[27 / 12 / ?]
Beta nerd stories?
>be me
>think to myself "ill use a sex chat"
>go into rp chat
>most messagers are indian guys saying shit like 'release titty'
>the others just send dick pics
>FINALLY find a girl willing to chat
>blah blah rp setup blah blah fuck in a movie theater blah blah
The best way i can describe this is via direct quotes.
Me:I place a hand high up on your inner thigh
>Her: I am asleep
Me: I wake you up
Me: You are missing the action
*'Her' has left the chat*
A girl left our sex chat because i am too beta to sexually assault her. Wew.
>be me
>think to myself "ill use a sex chat"
>go into rp chat
>most messagers are indian guys saying shit like 'release titty'
>the others just send dick pics
>FINALLY find a girl willing to chat
>blah blah rp setup blah blah fuck in a movie theater blah blah
The best way i can describe this is via direct quotes.
Me:I place a hand high up on your inner thigh
>Her: I am asleep
Me: I wake you up
Me: You are missing the action
*'Her' has left the chat*
A girl left our sex chat because i am too beta to sexually assault her. Wew.