Have you considered that maybe doing repetitive tasks might be useful for the sake of keeping your mind off dangerous or anxiety-inducing thoughts?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thought-terminating_clich%C3%A9If you spend all day long doing something like making sure a set of shelves are all squeaky clean and well organized, or if you spend all day long typing information into a spreadsheet, then you will have very little time to think about society's flaws and what your family thinks about you.
It is true that creativity and the drive for change could be suppressed by assigning a person such tasks (or making them voluntarily commit themselves to it), but then again, creativity can often manifest itself in the form grotesque humor and art (as seen in the works of many "post-modern" artists exhibited in MoMa and Tate Modern), that holds little aesthetic value and is, instead, nothing but a means to aggrandize their creator's ego, or, in the case of political manifestations which have been known to end in little else but looting and violent confrontations between different groups of protesters (as has often happened during the last decade in America), which is why I believe that in many cases, for many people, it might be better for them to remain continually occupied.
*tips slave cap*