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economical cat holding

ID:/F3uPmhj No.16200665 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a new kitten and she's sweet as shit, but more importantly I have found a way to hold her that seems super economical, and she seems to enjoy it. The way is by laying her right on my arm, with both her legs on each side of my arm and her head "in" my hand. My question is, her vagina is perched right on my arm, like it's really laying in there. Is this a very sensitive thing, and I should not do this? It seems like she's fine. Like, she'll be purring and when i pick her up that way she doesn't stop, so it definitely doesn't hurt her but.. yea. It's a damn vagina so, I want to be careful.

Inb4 feminists come in here like "OH GOD YOU FUCKIN MOLESTOR" bro there are literal molestors on this website, use your time correctly

If y'all dont know wha tI mean I'll take a pic but I'm pretty sure i made it clear.