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the Cuckening of Thor, by St. Boniface>Around the year 723, Boniface was traveling with a small party in the region of Lower Hesse. He knew of a community of heathens near Geismar who, in the middle of winter, would make a human sacrifice (a child, typically) to the thunder-god Thor (yes, THAT Thor) at the base of their sacred oak tree, the “Thunder Oak”. Boniface, in part from advice from a brother bishop, wished to destroy the Thunder Oak to not only save the life of the human sacrifice, but also to show the heathens that he would not be struck down by lightning at the hands of Thor. >As the story goes, Boniface and his companions, reaching the village on Christmas Eve, arrived at the place of the sacrifice in time enough to interrupt it. With his bishops’ staff (crozier) in hand, Boniface approached the pagan crowd, who had surrounded the base of the Thunder Oak, saying to his group, “Here is the Thunder Oak, and here the cross of Christ shall break the hammer of the false god, Thor.” >With a small child laid out for the sacrifice, the executioner raised his hammer high. But on the downswing, Boniface extended his crozier to block the blow, miraculously breaking the great stone hammer and saving the child’s life. >Boniface picked up an axe nearby and, as legend has it, took one mighty swing at the oak when a great gust of wind arose through the forest and felled the tree, roots and all. It lie on the forest floor, broken in four pieces. Though afterwards Boniface had a chapel built from the wood, our story takes us to what stood immediately beyond the ruins of the mighty tree. >And so, the Germans began a new tradition that night, one that stretches to the present day. By bringing a fir into their homes, decorating it with candles and ornaments, and celebrating the birth of a Savior, the Apostle of Germany and his flock gave us what we now know as the Christmas tree Pagan Status: KEKED AND FUCKED
>>16212788 What? a jew religion destroying other peoples countries and beliefs? It's almost like it's been standard operating procedure for thousands of years.
>>16212789 >Destroying other people- You mean civilizing savages and bringing enlightenment to barbarians?
>>16212790 All Abrahamic judeo-bolshevik religions need to be cleansed from the earth forever.
>imagine siding with this guy instead of a tree
>>16212788 >lol we defaced your shit Then we defaced you.
>>16212791 >Homosex detected Anonymous
>>16212793 Then we defaced you back even harder.
>Disillusioned by the loss of the treasure on which they had reckoned, the murderers returned to their dwellings. But after a lapse of three days they were visited with a just retribution for their crimes, losing not only all their worldly possessions but their lives also. For it was the will of the omnipotent Creator and Savior of the world that He should be avenged of His enemies; and in His mercy and compassion He demanded a penalty for the sacred blood shed on His behalf. Deeply moved by the recent act of wicked savagery, He deigned to show the wrath He had concealed so long against the worshipers of idols. As the unhappy tidings of the martyr's death spread rapidly from village to village throughout the whole province and the Christians learned of their fate, a large avenging force, composed of warriors ready to take speedy retribution, was gathered together and rushed swiftly to their neighbors' frontiers. The pagans, unable to withstand the onslaught of the Christians, immediately took to flight and were slaughtered in great numbers. In their flight they lost their lives, their household goods, and their children. So, the Christians, after taking as their spoil the wives and children, men and maidservants of the pagan worshipers, returned to their homes. As a result, the pagans round about, dismayed at their recent misfortune and seeking to avoid everlasting punishment, opened their minds and hearts to the glory of the faith. Struck with terror at the visitation of God's vengeance, they embraced after Boniface's death the teaching they had rejected while he still lived. >They were blessed Dually blessed with Christian faith and Christian seed in their women.
>ugly zealot in a robe with weird self-imposed baldness pattern is badass because he cut down a tree Yikes
>>16212788 All Christian stories are lies and never happened.
>>16212788 > Thor >The God that specifically forbids human sacrifice >Sacrifice a child Christians are a disease.
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>>16212795 >Then we defaced you back even harder. The only thing you defaced doing the jews' work was the blood of your ancestors.
>>16212798 >Spain Go back to Church spic. Find Christ again
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>>16212795 Keep sucking Jewish cock you absolute traitorous retard.
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>>16212796 >misses the part where he stopped child sacrifice pagan reading comprehension everyone
>>16212788 Time to go look for an other cursed tree to chop down.
The satanic shit is resurfacing hard.
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>>16212788 Christian’s alpha chads btfo the pagan niggers. Cope seethe and dial8
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>>16212788 Milton Hershey brandishing the butyric acid to chop down production values on what otherwise would've been quality chocolate to the dismay of consumers worldwide?
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>>16212803 >>16212804 >>16212805 This is disingenuous fren, I could easily post many, many christian priests, hell even the Pope, supporting the same thing.
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>>16212803 >>16212804 >>16212805 >>16212806 you literally worship a kike and his desert storm god who is married to a tranny and afraid of iron chariots
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>>16212790 Christendom is Celtic.
Catholicism is Canaanite subversion.
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>>16212812 Not as much as they hate Odin
>>16212788 >>16212792 >>16212794 >>16212795 >>16212804 >if you dont follow my jew religion you must be a pagan!!! Theres good reason why Hitler disowned Christians. Worship your race and achieve god hood yourself instead of kneeling to a Jewish one. This doesn't make you a pagan or an atheist.
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Fuck you jewish pagan larpers
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>>16212808 The same could be said of christianity and the hellenistic philosophers who dressed it up for an educated audience, also the israelite roleplayers of the 16th and 17th c.
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>>16212788 Spiritual Maoism
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>>16212795 why does the rock on which your faith is based hide so many secrets? what knowledge of christ could be so forbidden? why were the templars betrayed? do you know what your ancestors knew, son of Man? who wears the shepherd's robe?
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neo-paganism = jews = anti-christians
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>>16212788 The only thing fucked is Catholic altar boys and orphans...
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>>16212806 they seek victory through division, whereas the righteous men of the ram seek peace through unification.
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>>16212788 Might makes right, the pagans simply weren't strong enough to defeat the Christians. They just didn't have what it takes to win.
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>>16212800 But it's true. Odin accepted human sacrifices. Thor didn't. N*rds may be barbarian savages, but obvious subversive propaganda is obvious.
reject a fake life of pretense under a fake banner called paganism repent of your own sin, be them material crimes or spiritual crimes convert to the only real faith, the only way to save your soul from the corruption of the world
>>16212788 Funny how these stories never mention how this supposedly brave missionary came with an armed retinue to protect him as he vandalised the culture of other peoples. How can modern Christians not see themselves in the people who pull down statues today with help from the power of the state? They're obviously the same people, the Christians of the past and the leftists of the present.
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>>16212827 Christcucks are a plague
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>>16212827 Go suck off one of your faggot pedovore Cardinals while getting fucked in the ass by the Pope Guiseppe...
>>16212827 I am a Christian White National Socialist....because I *actually* read scripture, and believe it.
>>16212788 Why didn’t they just smash him with a rock? This graphic always bothered me.
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>>16212828 Christians were absolutely the BLM of ancient times. Came into the region with their faggy beliefs, pulled down or desecrated all of the statues that offended them.
>>16212828 funny how faggots claiming "might makes right" deflect once they get pwned
but that's all pretense, you faggots are no old pagans, you are just whiny faggots who are throwing a tantrum because your parents told ya to attend mass, and years past that teen rebellious phase, you have still not grown up to be real men
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>>16212797 They learned from the best.
>>16212832 Here we go again with this. Denying our European ancestors and replacing them with your fictional kike mythology.
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Get fucked faggots You will be cured out of your corporate propaganda media course And then, you'll rediscover the beauty of life as you never truly have known
>>16212835 Your religion is getting pwned right now by noodle-armed “intellectual” basedcuck celebrities like Bill Nye, Neil Degrasse Tyson, etc.
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>>16212815 Didn't happen. Rot in hell, edomite.
>>16212788 >b-b-but muh stronk larpagan gods Anonymous
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>>16212808 This poster knows nothing. The two Eddas are not holy scripture and there is nobody saying that you cannot look beyond them.
The poetic edda is a collection of poems from pagan times, some dating back securely as early as the 800s
The prose edda is attributed to the Catholic chieftain Snorri Sturluson and has three parts.
The first part is Gylfaginning, an euhemerized dialogue detailing the mythology, which quotes from earlier pagan poems found in the poetic edda, along with some that are now lost.
The other parts give great detail in how to compose traditional Norse poetry, the second explains traditional terminology while the third explains the dozens of different meters.
>>16212837 You're retarded or an edomite, possibly both.
Our European ancestors all share a root going back to Jacob, Noah and Abraham and back to Adam, who was created by God.
jews on the other hand share a lineage with Satan's seed through Cain and Esau-Edom.
That is why jews hate Christianity and Christ and that is why they are trying to eradicate the White race. Because God himself told them to fuck off for being such vile and despicable degenerates.
>>16212842 Same applies when churches are burned. Anyone who applauds the destruction of ancient European heritage is not white.
>>16212795 Arriving with a military force and cutting down holy trees, spreading lies about child sacrifice, and then arriving with even more soldiers after getting rejected makes you only Christian in name, not in practice. And ofc OP uses a Nazi flag, because being edgy and looking for "le epic wins" in history, no MATTER WHO, is the sole essence of his identity. Not to mention that Christianity hijacked a pagan empire that was the peak of European civilization, and only rose to prominence because an emperor said so. You claim fruits you didn't sow, ignoring that without the Roman empire Christianity would be confined to the Caucasus and Ethiopia. Pathetic.
>>16212846 This is the worst coordinated attempt I’ve seen by Christians to wipe out European history. Are you not content to merely replace our ethnic religions with your false Jewish religion? Must you also replace our glorious European ancestry with your false Jewish ancestry?
>>16212797 except they found Sodom and Gomorrah with chunks of sulfur embedded in what appears to be destroyed buildings
pay attention to what happened to your kind, faggot
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>>16212788 I love being Catholic, following Christ, just all the stories of Saintly Chads taking over the world. I hope you know many aspects of national socialism and the movement itself are condemned by Holy Mother Church. Fighting for the fatherland, defense of the family, this land is our land, all good stuff, and of course the Jews lied about the holohoax, but we must be Catholic first brother, and let no man made ideology encroach on heavenly ideals. Viva Christi Rey!
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>>16212850 There's nothing coordinated about this. People are simply rediscovering the truth. You on the other hand are clearly a subversive kike that doesn't want Europeans to realize their divine heritage. We settled Europe and the world because of our heritage. Calling it jewish just exposes your true nature, edomite.
>>16212795 None of what you just quoted sounds like something which Jesus would approve of. Why are you proud of this shameful history of so-called Christians going against the preachings of Christ?
>>16212851 > they found Sodom and Gomorrah (X)doubt
>>16212855 Jesus himself is coming with a sword and he explicitly remarked his hatred for a very specific group of people repeatedly.
>>16212788 Fake story fabricated by a fake religion.
>>16212847 Thor did nothing as the trees are chopped down.
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>>16212848 Churches aren't untouchable holy sites that kills you if you violate their sanctuary.
On the other hand rebuilding the Temple back in Julian's day utterly failed:
http://bibleprobe.com/rebuildingthetemple.htm Anonymous
>>16212855 It’s okay, they “repented” after they did all of those terrible things. You can do whatever you want if you’re Christian, as long as you repent afterwards. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so popular, it appeals to the lazy nigger masses
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>>16212857 Literally every country He attacks when he returns is Muslim and formerly White/Adamic. I think its in Isaiah where he goes into kush, ethiopia, and arabia with White Robes and leaves with crimson robes.
>>16212849 Child sacrifice? I don't think they are accused of that.
There was real human sacrifice at the Aztec Civilization.
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>>16212863 that's not the purpose of repentance and any retard that thinks that way is going down a very bad non-Christ centered path.
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>>16212789 jesus was not a jew. The modern "jew" did not emerge until the 3rd or 4th century prior to which point "jews" were simply followers of the ancient Hebrew faith (sort of) which was led by two factions the pharisees, sadjucees, etc.
>>16212859 Where was Jesus when Notre-Dame burned down?
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>>16212850 That Jewish religion just happens to be true. The Holy Land is the crossroads of Empire that allowed the message to be spread.
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>>16212865 Human sacrifce is a must for some gods. Even if you get converted, some Gods take their lot of human sacrifices anyways. Look central america for example.
>>16212868 Jesus was watching. Allowing it to happen. He never promised Notre Dame wouldn't be damaged or destroyed.
But he stopped Julian the Apostate from rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem.
>>16212874 Thor was watching as well. Allowing it to happen.
>>16212876 But he hasn't acted on this earth. Like Jesus did. Nor has he overthrown Civilizations for evil.
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>>16212876 He still stopped Julian from rebuilding the Temple.
>>16212858 >Thor does nothing to save the tree "WOWZERS. Haha, epic win."
>God does nothing to save Boniface "Oh, umm, awkward. God works in mysterious ways.
>>16212900 Boniface dying is nothing. Martyrdom didn't stop the rise of the Church.
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>>16212900 Meanwhile:
The Historian Ammianus Marcellinus (A.D. c.330 - 395)
"Res Gestae," Book XXIII
>He [Julian the Apostate] planned at vast cost to restore the once splendid Temple at Jerusalem, which after many mortal combats during the siege by Vespasian and later by Titus had barely been stormed. He had entrusted the speedy performance of this work to Alypius of Antioch... But though this Alypius pushed the work on with vigor, aided by the governor of the province, terrible balls of fire kept bursting forth near the foundations of the Temple and made the place inaccessible to the workmen, some of whom were burned to death; and since in this way the element persistently repelled them, the enterprise halted. https://fisheaters.com/juliantemple.html Anonymous
>>16212904 Yeah, funny how Christians cope by calling people martyrs who not only died, but sometimes in absurdly funny ways. Like the one saint who was grilled alive by a Roman emperor. One who got hacked to death by children. One who got boiled in a bronze bull., which was specifically made to shit his remains out. All according to God's plan, right? Almost like he doesn't exist.
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>>16212881 Thor literally killed Hrungnir the most formidable giant here on earth in his lair.
>>16213058 Gods exist. But they don't care about mortal humans.
>>16213073 I should have specified: The Christian God.
>>16213083 Semetic hristian god yhwh might be a true one although he is most probably envious and jealous of other Gods. Even his original followers exhivit the same trait. Jesus most probably was a normal human or his apostle.
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>>16213118 Yeah, if you read about how and when the Old Testament was written, you'll learn that the Jews were originally polytheists, but became monotheists after the Northern Kingdom got destroyed. The Old Testament is nothing more than an attempt to unify the histories of the Northern and the Southern Kingdom.
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>>16212827 Kill yourself Christcuck