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Its a FUCKING show, not a religion. Get a god damn life, do something other then obsess over a mediocre show
1-Anime about ninjas ? but where the ninjas?!
Ninjas, masters of poison and stealth, are depicted as wizards who use magic instead of shuriqens and swords and have a code of honor forbidding poison. Really, this is just Harry Potter in anime...
Flying hopping jumping zooming emos is more like it
2-to many flashbacks
3-its so repetitive,200+ episode and its still the same bullshit,every arc is like ``where is sasuke``.The plot is gay and repedetive.
They take about 170 episodes to tell a story half as interesting as Elfen lied, wich takes only 20 or so episodes... Talk about fillers
4-to many fillers
5-its all about sasgay
They say Sasuke more often than Naruto. They care more about sasuke than naruto. Why is the anime name Naruto again? Something about him being the main character?
6-the creator loves putting gay shit.
7-the main chartacter is the worst character,also gets beat up pretty much all the time still the narutards think hes
badass.is it because of the gay orange jumpsuit.
8-its so predicteble
9-its not original,rips-off to many animes.
10-they can pass episodes doing nothing and hell pass 6 episodes trying to seal orochimaru.