thesis: russians are the only people in this world who suffer
In order to truly suffer you have to be all of the following:
a) be poor (disposable income <$200 monthly).
reasoning: consooming products/videogames/prozzies/etc can drown out suffering
b) live in a shitty climate (less than ~1800 sunshine hours annual).
reasoning: humans have evolved for sun-abundant climate such as that of Africa, lack of sunlight is proven to be able to cause depression
c) have little human communication, including but not limited to, having no friends that you are constantly in contact with
reasoning: vast majority of humans are social creatures by nature and require bonding, companionship, etc of others
as it pertains to russia: people in russia are fairly "closed", similar to nordic countries. just go on a street and observe facial expressions of people - says it all, really
d) live in a society with degraded social institutions that upkeep the traditional way of life, i.e church, arranged marriages, etc.
reasoning: these institutions insure that no one left behind, in a way. for example even some autistic indian can have a wife via an arranged marriage
it is nowhere else other than Russia/Belarus that more than 1% of people match all of these three criteria