>>16296837When it comes to esotericism be careful. Many will tell you its all just stories and metaphores to give allegorical teachings. However in actuality the Bible/God uses actual real historical events in order to teach said allegorical and symbolical lessons. That the actual events played out like that itself stands testimony for the correctness for the allegory and symbolism behind it, being a real life example of the taught principle playing out.
Further consider God the absolute. That which actually is. Everything we perceive comes from Him, and so we find the same patterns, geometric and mathematic but also thematic patterns as it all comes from the same source retaining certain aspects. When the Bible says
>20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuseThis is the workmanship, the reoccoeung patterns, pi, phi, the golden ratio, prime numbers and such being the most obvious example.
Now since all of the things share the same principles you can use one thing to talk about others, creating basic symbolism and metaphores. Now you just need to read the Bible and figure out the different symbols.
Some understanding of linguistics can help too since especially the Eden story is packed with puns giving additional teachings