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ID:ohVib1No No.16322043 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>omfg this is so wholesome!!! as a lesbian myself, I really love seeing lgbt represented in films! it's amazing the 70's had this kind of representation! ofc, some countries are still not a fan of the LGBTQIA+ ppl. it's sad, some ppl around me don't say a word to me cuz I'm wearing a shirt that says "equality" and a rainbow flag pin. but, idc anymore bc I'm happy with who I am. I hope everyone is proud of who they are and who they love. u should never listen to mean ppl and u should never feel ashamed for who u are bc it's beautiful t be urself. u are loved, everyone and u are valid and awesome. never tell urself otherwise bc I'm just spitting facts. ur obv an incredible person, whoever is reading this, and u are super cool. we love u and ur really sweet! have an incredible day and be sure to hydrate (cuz it's healthy)! if it night, get lots of rest for the day to come! it WILL be a good day and we CAN make it a good day if we keep a good attitude and saptay proud of who we are! desu homophobia is legit just bulling ppl for being who they are. it's like saying "eew u have brown hair." we can't help who we are, and as they say, of u can't beat them, join them. embrace it inner gay and be proud cuz we love u