>>16324489I just watched The Passion of the Christ for the first time as an adult today.
I was not raised religiously. I did not go to church. But I was told about God, to say my prayers before dinner and before bed. Vaguely Catholic. I rejected a lot of this as a teenager, typical rebellious activity. Up until about 4 years ago, I figured God was something we could never understand and that ancient texts were simply stories, nothing more. But the evil rearing its ugly head in this world began to become undeniable and it gnawed at me: if this evil is real, then Satan is real. And if Satan is real, then God must be real as well.
I watched /ourguy/ Mel's movie today, and I was emotionally hit by a train. I do not know how devout I can be, I do not know if I will ever be a good Christian, because I HATE the Jews and I believe violence is our only answer. But if that is my personal cross to bear while praising God, then so be it, and I will embrace any punishment for it. But I believe it is my duty. Christ is King and the time will come when we will have to fight to defend what is good not only in this world, but in the next.