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No.16330489 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /pol/ 15 years NEET here, had a recent life crisis, i felt a strange awakening.
>hear a song (i dont actively listen to music)
>song is familiar but the lyrics hit me
>it feels like the sound is beamed into my skull
>im still dreaming and singing along
>i wake up and i still kinda hear the song
>song title is irrelevant (i dont want to share on here)
>I kinda feel fucked
I will admit that ive been a NEET poster bragging about not having to work for the past 10 years on here, i would usually argue against working and how much society sucks.
I was very proud about my laziness, I suppose i was in a dream like state for the past 15 years here, i actually felt comfy and happy. And i never really wanted to explore outside of my comfort zone, until very recently.
>For the first time i felt ashamed and really depressed about my life.
>I came up with a short term plan and started making short team goals
>im currently doing these things to kind of get out of the mess i put myself in

Cont if anyones interested