>>16349475ok i guess i got it figured out, it was probably because this is a cobmat technique term where you shoot somebody twice in the chest and once in the head, and they were worried that it might be damaging the reputation of mozambique if they had its name there for something of that sort
the country mozambique didnt even fucking exist anymore in the 1980s and its just some obscure shithole in africa
literally who is going to be bothered by it being called that
who are you conforming to
and are you seriously worried about painting a bad image of a wartorn african country that is literally gone now because of how much conflict took place in it?
you know the term wouldnt have even originated if people werent killing each other there?
why sugarcoat something like this and pretend that atrocities didnt happen
when its called mozambique drill it sounds pretty cool but you have to shit that up because of something that absolutely nobody would consider except you
literally nobody would look at "mozambique drill" and consider it even near racist, i guess at least not anybody with a brain
maybe also because nobody would know that mozambique existed lol but still
what an absolute faggot move holy shit
imagine pushing for renaming things because the feelings of a country that doesnt exist anymore might get hurt
lets just slip this little bit of history under the rug so that people dont think anything bad of this wartorn african country okay guys?
okay the part about literally nobody thinking its racist is wrong
i just looked it up and there are people who exist that are genuinely maddened by it being called "mozambique drill"
this is the world that we live in
but i did say anybody with a brain so my point stands
they seem to be mad more so because the guy who came up with the term was a white supremacist or something
but what does that matter
its not like its named after him
its called mozambique drill because it came from mozambique
fucking lol