>>16373538>Are evil supernatural entities literally entering our world?Don't be an idiot - Take Meds you schizo
The (((Elite/Kabal/Zionist-Kike-Jews))) do have sacrifices rituals to Archons/Demiurge/Djinn/Egregores/Shiva/Moloch/Baal/Baphomet/ect
Remote View/Astral Projection seems to indicate
Archons/Entity's/AI-AB-AC/ wanting more extension via mass mental calibration with the [Negative [-] 369] 3rd Density stage
(Which is part of the Transcendental dual and Non-dual, Binary saga ie/aka Theo-Cosmos of the Mind/Being of Earth/Gaia/Sol (Human Race)
Why and how can only be grasped by those who have achieved higher levels of consciousness (4th/5th/6th Density Being's/Constructs)
Surprisingly it's happening now, global consciousness is awaking
because shit's just getting hard and it cracks the mind,
making you want change/meaning and not just chasing the almighty dollar
like everyone else
People are getting Angry/Degenerate/Dumb/Hateful/Scared/Selfish/Negative [-] add this with 1G/2G/3G/4G/5G/6G/
Television/Radio/Wi-fi/Bluetooth/Smartphone/Electric Frequency Waves and Media/FB/Tik-Tok/Instagram/OnlyFans/Pornography/ ect
MK Ultra/MK Naomi/Operation Northwoods/Project Artichoke/Project Mocking Bird/
Project Monarch/The Gate Program/Tuskegee Experiments/DARPA Nexus/ ect
Cern(Large Hadron Collider)/China's Artificial Sun/Rod of God/Atmosphere Weather Weapons/Star-Link/Nuke's
Chemtrails/GMO/PF/Floride/Medications/Nano Injectable Electronics/mRNA Vaccine/ ect
Modified Street Drugs/Acid/Bath Salts/Cocaine/Ecstasy/Flakka/Krokodil/MDMA/Methamphetamines/ ect
Other-Wold/Demonic Entities/Archons/Egregors/Aliens/Beyond-Density Beings/AI-AB-AC/ ect
(Demiurge/Djinn/Shiva/Mammon/Moloch/Baal/Baphomet/Greys/Reptilians/Anunnaki/Nephilim/ ect)
(Social Dysgenic Engineering/Government Mind Control) Google the Patents
4,717,343 /4,877,027/ 4,858,612/ 5,123,899/5,270,800/ 5,289,438/ 5,159,703/
5,507,291/ 5,539,705/ 5,629,678/ 6,006,188/ 6,011,991/ (Over 50 patents)