Doctrine: 100% based
Members: 100% dodging tax through charitable contribution loopholes
>Either I just met a bad bunch of Latter Day Saints (and a lot of good ones too, admittedly), or they have completely lost their way from what Joseph Smith envisioned the reformation of the church to be.
Wearing garments is like 100% a blessing and the latest in underwear technology, at least for male members.
>a Mormon implemented the shitty system of airport flight regulations we have today. It's 2022, companies should not have to compete to maintain a specific flight route at a certain time, it literally should be based on an algorithmically driven system where how many people wanting to go where is taken into account and they you, the consumer of aeronautical flight, get told when to turn up to the airport, not the other way around.
>many older Mormons hold Pharisee principles and talk about "power" like a commodity (but the book of Mormon literally tells you what to do with people like this).
>women want more power in the church, like being able to hold priesthood titles
>they all pretend to be enlisted in the US military
Overall, you should join and have like 10 kids lest your bloodline die out. If you don't get poisoned within your first months of being baptised, can deal with all the social bullshit and just keep reminding yourself that these 5th or 6th generation Mormons are literally doing things that would make it impossible for them to be in the presence of Heavenly Father, you'll have a good time.