>>16432357I can't remember the post, but someone a few threads back was asking about how to talk to girls and complaining about no gf. I'm sick of seeing all these forever alone posts so I'm about to give you literally ALL you need to know about getting a girl and I'm being dead serious. You don't need to spend hundred dollars on some lame ass crash course. You ready?
If you want a gf you're going to have to learn how to talk to girls. No way around it. This shit is NOT hard either BTW. Ask questions but not questions that will lead to nowhere. Look at her when you talk but don't stare constantly and if she smiles, smile back.. It's important.
Do NOT procrastinate! If you have interest in a girl you like, don't wait. If you wait until the last minute, you'll be sorry. Just text her/message her, "(her name), you busy?"
Go, NOW.....send it. If you're only in person with her or she's in your class, and you don't have her number/socials you still gotta start with the small talk. Small talk is king. Gotta start with the small talk then slowly ask her out.
>That will never work!Shut up. Do it. NOW. You MUST get over your fear of initiating contact and/or making the first move, you need to stop thinking about it and do it. The more you think, the less likely you are to act. Fuck fear, make it work for you. Do not become some 30 year old guy who does not know how to socialize and interact because you didn't do it while you were still young.
If you got any questions just ask me, but this is pretty much all it takes. It's not fucking rocket science. Now go forth my son.