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No.16459726 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dating apps suck ass. It's much better to talk to women IRL. Street, park, coffee shop etc are good, especially tourist girls in the summer. Another good thing is the smoking room of clubs. But don't waste your time with dating apps like I did, wasted a decade of my life with those shit apps. You don't learn and grow one fucking bit when using them unlike IRL game. I hadn't used dating apps for half a year and then I downloaded an app again a few days ago because a fuckbuddy of mine who's open to having a threesome was back in town, and I wanted to try to find the second girl on the app, just like I did half a year ago when she was here last time. I don't know what it is but I get really fucking bitter and angry whenever I use a dating app, after just a day or two I could feel it affecting my self-esteem and mood so fucking much I deleted it. A hot girl stared at me in the street yesterday and looked like she liked me, so I don't give a fuck about those apps. A few days ago another hot girl on the subway was staring at me. At the club a week ago in the smoking room two girls asked for a lighter, a pair of girls asked for cigarettes and stuck around to talk, another girl asked my age and where I live without asking for a lighter or cigarette. And many of these girls were hot. Just fuck dating apps.