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Just woke up from a full blown "Whitening" dream

No.16468915 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I'm unsure if this is political, but I just REALLY wanted to share my dream, as it felt so damn real and the dream itself is political in a way.

So basically, the dream was sorta foggy throughout the beginning and jumbled up. But at some point it kinda turned into basically the "Purge" but just only whites slaughtering everyone, or at least... The "wicked". They were seemingly targeting everyone, I saw mainly white dudes shooting at people who looked innocent but who knows.

I've had weird dreams before, but what was most disturbing to me about this was this weird voice that I don't know who came from, a narrator-like voice that I vaguely remember saying, "And so the blood turns white, flowing from only the wicked" or something of sort. I can't fully remember it, but I remember even from my point of view that it had clearly turned black and white at some point. It freaked me out because I never really have narrations going on like that, especially so vividly and the color clearly fading out like that. The dream almost seemed prophetic in some weird way.

And before anyone asks, I'm not white.... So it just made it even weirder to me that I had this dream.