>>16482390Catholicism (or the middle ages catholic empire) is the first beast, right-wing Christian america (which will emerge victorious this decade but is essentially not like Christ) is the second, lamb-LIKE beast. Trump is one of the antichrists. The false prophet is all the false 'christianity' taught by yes, copeland but many others too. The whore of babylon is the misled, materialist, worldly, spiritually empty church.
The pope wears a hat that says 'vicarius filii dei' on it which adds up to 666 in roman numerals (his own kingdom's numerals). The lawless one, the man of sin, the son of perdition is a type of man, like you would say 'the modern man'. It's the new age man who sits in the temple of God (his body) believing himself to be 'enlightened' and equal to God.
The first beast (Catholic church) claims in its own words that the MARK of its earthly authority is Sunday worship.
After the marxists, Europe and China are utterly defeated this decade, right wing 'Christian' America will rule the world peacefully alongside the other 'Christian' nations like Russia and South America. A new age of enlightenment will be proclaimed and all religions will be 'united', with the pope as the world's spiritual head. Sunday worship will be enforced 'for the good of all people' and eventually it will become seen as highly suspicious not to take Sunday as your day of rest, meditation, and worship. You'll be depersoned by the new age pagan catholic church and their world empire, and taken off the quantum currency system so you won't be able to buy or sell.
Just some help for frens out there. All adds up to the best of my research ability.