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Advice me /bant/bros

ID:Y4KACBnm No.16535696 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A very attractive 16-year-old girl (legal here) from church started liking me. I met her parents, and they both really liked me as well. I am, however, in my twenties, and her parents don't want her to start dating yet. She has an ugly-to-average older sister who is also in her twenties and desperate to find a guy, and her parents then tried to get me to go out with the older sis. They keep inviting me over to their house to get me on a surprise date with the ugly older sister who I have no interest in. Is it worth going to their house, leaving a good impression, and basically telling them I'm not ready to get married now? Basically planting a seed in the family that I'm a good Christian man, great job, etc., so that when the 16-year-old is a little older, I'll be ready for her?