>>16542317Buddhism teaches that you don't exist and that suffering, and reality is an illusion.
That is why you want to break the cycle or rebirth and attain enlightenment and become one with the void(nirvana).
Enlightenment (or, the state of being fully awake) is defined as having a completely empty head, your mind being an endless void.
Essentially nothingness
A person who has attained the goal Nibbana is thus indescribable because they have abandoned all things by which they could be described". The Suttas themselves describe the liberated mind as 'untraceable' or as 'consciousness without feature', making no distinction between the mind of a liberated being that is alive and the mind of one that is no longer alive.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satori#Satori_and_kensh.C5.8DIn Buddhism, the term anattā or anātman refers to the doctrine of "non-self", that there is no unchanging, permanent self, soul or essence in living beings.
Buddhism, from its earliest days, has denied the existence of the "self, soul" in its core philosophical and ontological texts. In its soteriological themes, Buddhism has defined nirvana as that blissful state when a person, amongst other things, realizes that he or she has no self, no soul.