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Reminder that Q is real

No.16552237 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just contemplate the fact that talking about elite pedos is now public discourse. Imagine if epstein/maxwell were never exposed?

What about Weinstein? All of these Jewish elites being exposed?

All of this is fucking huge. There's obviously something happening behind the scenes but you're all fucking edgy and love to be contrarian

If Q (OR SOMETHING THAT RESEMBLES IT) wasn't real Epstein and these other Jews would NEVER have been exposed let alone arrested.

Don't just take my word for it. We can realize this with basic conclusions

>Q is a psyop

A psyop for what purpose? The most common argument is that Q is designed to subvert people into believing 'false hope', making them lazy.

This takes a few seconds of thinking to debunk. Q supporters are the most vocal people out there. They aren't sitting around larping doing nothing, compare that to the pol chuds calling it a psyop while they do nothing but blackpill.

So psyop debunked, but is Q just a larp? Well if so it's a larp that woke up a huge portion of the older population. Yet it's obviously not just a larp, there's proofs that can't be denied. It's real

It's fucking real. Trust the plan.