>>16558538>Fuck you, you know nothing about Hitler.you are very wrong about that anon, I know enough about him to not fall for the bs some retards believe about him to this day
if you look at his path he decided to do the long march through the institutions after his Munich coup failed, most faggots on this board all think Hitler had a meteoric rise, when the truth is he had to travel a painful, 14 year long, path to reach the top, but he did it legitimately after all
it was meteoric only in the sense that very few times in history did men like him with no aristocratic background whatsoever rose to such a position, he worried constantly about the SA getting too much attention, he actually got pissed off when Kristallnacht happened despite knowing Germans were absolutely right to be furious with jews simply he because he knew that the international press would spin against him
doesn't mean that Hitler was an optics cuck, because he didn't really cave on his ideals for optics sake, but he was extremely observant of the optics of every situation, even when it was hopeless to expect fair treatment
he deserves respect because he used optics instead of merely cucking to optics, Hitler's behaviour in political terms, post imprisonment, was absolutely impeccable and no modern politician has ever been able to, or even cared tbf, about replicating the feat