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AAAT #10 Armed At All Times General. Sunday Afternoon Edition.

No.16595670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last thread died and I was unable to respond for a couple of hours. I'll be here for a bit to tend to this one.

There's been some recent mass shootings. Get a gun. Wear it. Not in your purse or car, wear it on you. Get your noguns family members a gun for christmas.

>are you a bot?
no, I'm a man

>are you a shill?
no, I'm not being paid.

the police are minutes away when you need help NOW. if something bad happens and you rely on the police, you'll probably just die. don't worry, they'll dutifully scrape you off the pavement and inform your family. But if your family complains on facebook, they get hauled off to jail. The police are not your friends.

This is my actual real life EDC.
I got a spare barrel and am going to ream out my own . 32naa.
I really really wanted a 32naa makarov, but good luck finding the barrel for that. Hasn't been made in a decade. I'll keep checking ebay and shit though for stuff like that. You never know what will show up.