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PFTEOTW Part one: Social and Urban TTK

ID:SBGu7R7b No.1659654 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are you ready for the end of the world?
>Global threats on the rise
>Yellowstone a grave unceartain danger
>unstability in many countries on the rise
How far are you willing to go to survive in a worst case scenario? How far would you go to protect your loved ones? How much is survival worth to you?

Here are my tips for preparing for the end of the world as we know it

First, Social and urban things to know

>know about the areas around your home, is it a risk zone? Are you in a potential target are for say a nuclear device? Do you live in a city that could suffer from socail unrest, riots or perhaps terror attacks?
>Learn about your neighbours, who to trust and who to be wary about
>Learn the distances you must travel to different important places, such as forests, rivers, mountains (for protection) the ocean or lakes, Islands, villages and cities - so on so forth
>learn about your local areas military and police. Is it known for being violent? Are those employed there trustworthy? Have there been any recent incidents of over-exessive violence?
>Do you live in a racially or religiously heated area? Such as the riots in the US where blacks attacked whites on sight after a police shooting. Do you live in a religiously fanatical area, such as a muslim majority area or perhaps a volatile area of the bible belt in the americas. If you live in the balkans, beware areas that are agressive against other people, such as albanians and serbs being agressive to non serbs and non albanians.
>Europans, south americans, Asians should learn the language of a few countries around them. If a bunch lf nukes go off in say, southern europe, great exoduses would not be uncommon. The same would be for you escaping your country. Do not expect everyone to know english/Spanish. Prepare for communication.
>Learn about gun laws in your country. Can you keep them at home? Is it easy to get one within 6 months? What weapons are legal?

That covers part one, give your tips on this subject.