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Are you ready for the end of the world?>Global threats on the rise >Yellowstone a grave unceartain danger >unstability in many countries on the rise How far are you willing to go to survive in a worst case scenario? How far would you go to protect your loved ones? How much is survival worth to you? Here are my tips for preparing for the end of the world as we know it First, Social and urban things to know>know about the areas around your home, is it a risk zone? Are you in a potential target are for say a nuclear device? Do you live in a city that could suffer from socail unrest, riots or perhaps terror attacks? >Learn about your neighbours, who to trust and who to be wary about >Learn the distances you must travel to different important places, such as forests, rivers, mountains (for protection) the ocean or lakes, Islands, villages and cities - so on so forth >learn about your local areas military and police. Is it known for being violent? Are those employed there trustworthy? Have there been any recent incidents of over-exessive violence? >Do you live in a racially or religiously heated area? Such as the riots in the US where blacks attacked whites on sight after a police shooting. Do you live in a religiously fanatical area, such as a muslim majority area or perhaps a volatile area of the bible belt in the americas. If you live in the balkans, beware areas that are agressive against other people, such as albanians and serbs being agressive to non serbs and non albanians. >Europans, south americans, Asians should learn the language of a few countries around them. If a bunch lf nukes go off in say, southern europe, great exoduses would not be uncommon. The same would be for you escaping your country. Do not expect everyone to know english/Spanish. Prepare for communication. >Learn about gun laws in your country. Can you keep them at home? Is it easy to get one within 6 months? What weapons are legal? That covers part one, give your tips on this subject.
stop this, you can't begin to prepare for 2018. if you haven't taken a human life, I recommended you start desensitizing yourself now, otherwise, roll the dice
Stylo !KlPtHCGW0k
>>1659654 Thanks OP, actually didn't think about this
Fallout Dudeski
>>1659664 Would you rather see your family and friends die, and yourself starve and die, rather than survive with everyone alive? Im no excessive prepper, but in this world its the strong that will survive when shit hits the fan. Whatever you wish to do about it is up to you, but me and others might not agree
Fallout Dudeski
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>>1659672 gotchu senpai, stay safe out there
Fallout Dudeski
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>>1659654 >Part 2 will cover Scientific and Technical things, dont worry ill cover that aswell, for now please discuss the apropriate subject to not cause confusion Anonymous
>>1659682 Everyone who actually understands preparedness knows it does you no good if everyone is prepared. and making a thread about being observant of your surroundings is not nearly preparedness. Why are you even trying? You live in a first world police state with no open land and no guns. I can assure you, being where you are is nowhere near prepared.
>>1659654 Ill just go out the window as far as shit goes down, whats the point anyway?
>>1659712 this guy is prepared. He understands there's no good in being the last man standing, and has accepted his shitty fate. Why can't you, swedecuck?
Fallout Dudeski
>>1659705 surviving isnt about owning an arsenal of guns, being a gigantic bodybuilder with an IQ of 200 and a shelter in the mountains with an endless supply of food and water. Its about not relying on someone else for your survival. We keep a first aid kit in our homes because we know injuries happen. We learn to cook, even tho there are restaurants. We learn to protect ourselfs even tho there are police. Some get guns and learn to shoot, even tho police and military excist. I for example live in a small town, so small it doesnt even have a police station. If something happens, I know for damn sure noone is going to help me or the others who live here. And im not sure if i want to let my family die, my neighbours, the kids in town and the elderly. Just because help excist, doesnt mean you will recieve it
>>1659732 you should get out of your small town more, your entire island will be off the map within the first five minutes of a world war. Even implying any of you eurocucks will survive as a family or a culture is incredibly ignorant. Implying the police can do anything about radioactive explosions(like in those dumb games you jerk off too) is laughable. Look at the radius of the explosions that Russia and america can create, now look at your penis of an island. Look at where its located in reference to other first world countries of interest and how its IN BETWEEN the USA and Russia. Do the math you cuck. Its not about first-aid kits or guns, its about being in the right place, at the right time. You, no matter how many police stations your asswipe town has, will always be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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>>1659718 Its just, russians are beasts when it comes to surviving
And i dont wanna be caught in a bloodbath over supplies at the 1st day
Fallout Dudeski
>>1659782 You brainless burgerfag, you do realize im not talking about world war fucking three? Even if you survive that, nuclear winter would kill you, or famine. Im talking social unrest, natural disasters and perhaps a nuclear terrorattack. Im talking a civil war, not full scale, all out modern warfare
Fallout Dudeski
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>>1659782 what fucking island are you even talking about?
I think that the first thing everyone from my area would do is travel to this massive nearby mall. It has almost everything you need to survive: food, water, shelter, medicine etc. But the only problem that will occur there would be overpopulation, there will be fights for food and stuff (obviously). And I would most likely bring my trusty baseball bat with me.
Fallout Dudeski
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>>1659750 Yeah sorry, couldnt be bothered to fix the spelling mistakes
Fallout Dudeski
>>1659835 would you trust your fellow finns to behave helpfully and to cooperate?
>>1659844 I'd trust almost everyone except for my neighbors, blacks, muslims and arabs.
Fallout Dudeski
>>1659858 do you have friends you could brings with you? Strength in numbers, a few guard while others loot, crowd controll, someone to protect the car?
>>1659864 I do have them, but they're all weak as shit. So if I'd form a squad it would mostly consist of my family.
Fallout Dudeski
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>>1659880 weak people can loot and carry, then you can just clob them over the head when they are useless
>>1659799 you can't have a civil war dumbass. Remember when we cucked you with NATO? Any war we have will be on the world scale and we would be dumb to not use the nukes you guys bought for us. Any social unrest gets dealt with police state style, you won't have any chimping out at Swedemart. You would never pull the trigger on a nigger, most of you eurocucks have never shot a gun, let alone a person. Get your dreamy head out of your ass and enjoy being bombed to rubble. Nuclear winter only exists on your small plot. Any large land mass can take extensive nuclear bombing and still have untouched ecosystems. Your quality of life gets you nowhere when the EU sold you all out and leaves you to dry.
Stylo !KlPtHCGW0k
>>1659888 do you think this is maybe why we keep getting threads opposing the U.S.? because we just cant accept that the world lives on without us?
>>1659895 You always hate your boss, right? You are real stale in the head son
Stylo !KlPtHCGW0k
>>1659906 just stop, arguing with other countries is not what /bant/ or this thread is about, can I just have the swede tell me how I could survive a bit of falling out in my community without my fellow burgers ruining something?
Fallout Dudeski
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>>1659888 jesus christ, literally blind, can you not read? And do you still believe the EU will live on? when the EU is gone, then noone will give a fuck what happens to individual countries. And why would the US care about a civil war in europe? and again, im not talking about a full scale nuclear war. What im talking about is say a civil war after say, an economic crisis, or the collapse of a government. Have you been to Malmö? the niggers there literally attack the fucking ambulances that come in to help those injured, and stab police officers left wild and center. The police cant do shit, we have 30k cops in a country where atleast a million are shitskins. Almost everyone black here owns an illegal firearm. You can literally go into any kiosk and buy a glock and bullets. Civilians here own guns, but they are not registered
Fallout Dudeski
>>1659912 Nihilism is apparently strong in your country
Everything seem positive regarding my case, though learning another language wouldn't be necessary, as Spanish is mainly spoken throughout Latin America, then there is English on the Virgin Islands (though the Caribbean dialect is hard to understand), anyway, since I live on an Island, going elsewhere would require some serious naval skills, it would be more risky for me to try that and go somewhere potentially more hostile. Other than that, I seem mostly fine, thanks for the tips, OP.
Stylo !KlPtHCGW0k
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>>1659925 Yeah, whats new OP
Fallout Dudeski
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>>1659930 No problem, just remember that a sailboat is the safer option, but a slower. Unless you have access to a larger boat you wont get far