Since jannies are useless pieces of shit
How to clean /pol/:
STEP1: download greasemonkey for your browser
STEP2: install the addon (4chan X)
STEP3: in the upper right section of 4chan you should a settings option now, click there and change what you want regarding the website graphics, after that go on FILTER--->GUIDE --->FLAG and add these lines of code:
/^Black Lives Matter$/i;stub:no
/^DEUS VULT$/i;stub:no
/^Tree Hugger$/i;stub:no
/^United Nations$/i;stub:no
/^National Bolshevik$/i;stub:no
/^White Supremacist$/i;stub:no
/^Task Force Z$/i;stub;no
STEP4: you can also remove all threads made by shills, go on FILTER--->GUIDE --->GENERAL
and add these lines of code:
/(prove|convince) me/i;op:only;boards:pol
/protip.\s+you can(no|'?)t/i;op:only;boards:pol
/suicide watch/i;op:only;boards:pol
/so this is the power/i;op:only;boards:pol
/we got too cocky/i;op:only;boards:pol
#some custom filters
/Biden BTFO!/i;op:only;boards:pol
/It`s Over/i;op:only;boards:pol
/made for bbc/i;op:only;boards:pol
jannies tongue my ass