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ID:yNs4sNww No.16654709 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is every job demeaning in some way or another
>work labor job
>get treated like cattle and forced into 50+ hours a week where you constantly have to be meeting quotas and can never sit down, and companies keep doing it because theres always one asshole who's like "weLl I wAnT mORe HouRS aKShUAlly sO eveRYOne elSe neEds to KeEP Up" and always bitches to the supervisors about someone sitting down for a second when literally nothing is going on
>work retail
>its easier work, i help people and socialize
>except you may aswell be renting out your fucking soul by the hour because you have to coerce people into giving you their information and signing up people for shit, you dont lie but you dont tell them jack shit about what they're either paying for or giving away their email for
>e.g. let me get your phonenumber real quick, let me get your full name, let me get your email, let me get your fucking zipcode or telling people buy this third party insurance for an absurd amount and just happen to never mention the warranty that comes from the manufacturer itself
i'm so sick of this shit