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ID:sBwPC2pq No.16655842 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Two choices:
IS was bound to fail from the beginning. The caliphate will never be reestablished. There will be no shariah. Islam is false. It was a war of escapism. The volunteers went their, got their war brides, had the best time of their lives. But even they had the sense, that eventually their state would collapse, and just lived it out in the moment while trying to ignore the future. It certainly is a war some depressed 4channer could fight out for so that he would have for once something in his life, but for anyone that values his life, it would be clear that fighting for the IS is in vain.
Then there is the war in Ukraine. A vain territorial conflict. There are no good guys in this conflict. Since the contested area is neither really russian or really ukrainian, it is not like there is any territorial integrity to be defended. It is also not an ideological war by Russia, but a merely strategic one. If you fight for Russia, that won't mean that in your home country we will have a right wing revolt or anything.
So why can't there be a war where you could give up your life for something of value? I would only either fight for my religion, or my nation.