>>16658280>I scared away one woman by opening up about myself too much too quickly and scared away another when I realized a month in that she barely knew about me.Never share any kind of personal problem or struggle with any woman at any time, ever. They will store it in the back of their mind and use it against you as soon as it suits their desires.
There's a way of acting with both women and men which will make them attracted to, or respect you (respecively), and that is to be a spontaneous and fun person but also be vague and private when it comes to your personal life. Mystique is universally attractive if you're fun to be around, and it's not a common combination nowadays.
>but I'm not a fun personThat's because, like you said in this post or OP, you don't see things in terms of objective completion but sensory experience. You don't see interacting/learning from colleagues alongside projects, you see "socialization." You don't see mating and procreation, you see "getting laid." Ditch the sensory attitude and replace it with an objective-oriented one, and that will ameliorate these problems.