[99 / 16 / 66]
Insider here, I probably shouldn't post this, but here we go. You better not fuck this up, /pol/. I've got some insider information (don't ask me where I got it from, I don't want to compromise myself). This information may or may not have huge consequences on a group I won't name. This information relates to the actions undertaken by that group in a time period spanning either several years or just a couple of hours depending on how you look at it, and the upcoming consequences of those actions in the future - near and distant. I can't go into detail (again, can't compromise myself), but be on the lookout for a happening. Whatever that happening is will either seem like a nothingburger or a gigahappening depending on perspective, but those of you who know, know. Fuck, I probably already said too much, but that information needed to get out, and I'd rather leave it between your hands than anyone else's, you can pick it up from here, re-read my post and look for the clues, this shit is as serious as it gets, and I can't encourage you to act, but it's probably best that you do as soon as you can, or at least, before it's too late.
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>408149716 I just laid down the facts, whether you take them seriously or not isn't your problem, until it is. You can't say you haven't been warned.
>>16679528 >there's a thing that will happen maybe >to someone probably >might not happen >can't talk about it >gonna be huge maybe >consequences, possibly Anonymous
>>16679528 >i have insider info >doesnt say anything gay retard nigger larp
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679530 You're nearly there anon, you may or may not need to push the thought process just a little further. Again, I can't confirm anything here, I might be in danger.
>>16679529 kill yourself faggot
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679532 >>16679534 You need to put the pieces together, maybe you already did, honestly. This entire affair could be out of reach for some people, so I wouldn't blame you.
>>16679528 aah gotcha. some anywhere between now and fuck knows when, something, somewhere will happen. cool. thank you so much insider for the great deal of information you have provided us
even_deeper_insider_than_op !!5kgAXEl5xWb
even_deeper_insider_than_op !!5kgAXEl5xWb Tue 13 Dec 2022 11:44:58 No. 16679537 Report >>408149716 >>16679530 >>16679531 >>16679532 >>16679534 >>16679536 Ok guys, totally not OP here (don't look at the ID, it's merely a coincidence... or is it?)
OP is full of shit. The facts he's describing aren't related to the group of people he won't mention - rather, it's linked to another group (which I can't mention either due to the risks) and honestly, the facts OP described aren't even accurate.
He talks of a happening which may seem like a nothingburger or a gigahappening - the truth is that said happening will actually look like either a fart in a tornado, or the biggestest happening of all time.
Make of that what you will....
>>16679528 Understood, loud and clear. I'll keep my squad mission-ready.
>>16679528 >I've got some insider information Me too.
I work for the government.
>>16679537 >UN flag Holy based! Insider here. This insider is legit!
>>16679537 so, something will happen. we don't know what it will be, but something somewhere will happen, now or in the future? cool.
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679538 >>16679539 Glad the message is getting out at least, thanks for listening, anon. What you're doing may be appropriate, but just then to be sure, I will say... it could also *not* be. But you seem smart enough to complete the puzzle.
>>16679541 >>16679542 Guys, are you also insiders from *the* group? The one we can't name or say anything about? Well.. maybe best not to confirm that...
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Kys faggot actual 0/10
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I was insider this morning
even_deeper_insider_than_op !!5kgAXEl5xWb
even_deeper_insider_than_op !!5kgAXEl5xWb Tue 13 Dec 2022 11:49:08 No. 16679547 Report Anonymous
>>16679529 What facts you fucking roastie, look at that word salad you just made there and said nothing , it made me kiss my wife because annoying talking cunt she is she reach the point eventually.
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>>16679528 Package received.
Chicken is in the henhouse. Confirm.
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>>16679544 Wait a minute, is this real world or exercise?
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>>16679528 None of this literally means anything.
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>>16679544 I can neither confirm nor deny whether I'm insider
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>>16679553 everyone knows you. they love her. she is the source code
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Someone needs to start moving assets ASAP INSIDER will assign ops and pull security keep me posted
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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i thought marge forgot about us
>>16679528 >>16679529 >>16679533 >>16679535 >>16679537 >>16679544 >>16679547 >i have insider info >i shouldnt give you this info but i will >*proceeds to give no info* >well actually you see, i wont really give you any info , but SOMETHING will happen ! trust me goy! Eat shit and die, sliding faggot
>>16679528 The ghost ip protocol is mine.
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>>16679558 Never in 1000 years
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679559 Anon, you don't understand, these facts are of primordial importance. Good lord, it could be weeks, hours... maybe just minutes until something happens (or not...). Who knows?
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>>16679528 kill yourself already OP
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>>16679562 Extraction is coming. Birthday suit procedure is necessary. Lay down flat and repeat the phrase 'I SURRENDER' until extraction is complete. Debrief will follow.
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>>16679528 >something will maybe happen to potentially someone somewhere in the possibly near future that may or may not come someday Fucking galaxy brain take right here.
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679531 Talks like a meth addict
So ya
>something may or may not happen >From a group that I may or may not be a part of >And this group may or may not exist Got it?
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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>>16679568 Anon, nothing here has anything to do with drugs, well, kinda, I'd rather not confirm and expose myself.
>>16679569 Precisely!
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The dogs have left the kennel
>>16679528 You've been warned.
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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>>16679572 I don't care, it could already be too late, so come and get me or don't, I will just keep going if I can.
You fuckers deserve nothing less for your heinous actions (which may or may not happen).
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it's the Qatar sandnigger flu, novel coronavirus, 15x more deadly than cuckvid. Time to run and not take any vax
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>>16679567 this looks like a screenshot of a word document you wrote up in 5 minutes, can you at least deliver something for us or is it just going to be this?
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Are the giga happenings here in the room with us, OP?
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Insider? I hardly know her!
>>16679529 Greentext one of the facts.
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679578 >things may or may not take place >will take place in the near or distant future >may or may not be the result of a plan by a group i can't name >the pattern is the pattern And that's already enough to compromise me.
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>>16679528 >shittiest thread of 2022 make another one and spill the beans this time or fuck off to reddit.
>>16679529 you made some shit up and this is the worst larp I’ve ever seen.
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>>16679549 >I’m insider right now mom doesn't count anon
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Aliens and demons ain't real, it's all just Satan.>#trustmebro.
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OP is a gigafaggot, the only insider being his dildo in his asshole
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Op is talking about the December 18 Hanukkah date.
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>>16679528 Im inside ur mom lol, it really is that deep
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>>16679528 I just dropped a major giga deuce. Giga happening over, Arthur. You can go back to your Nintendo Switch.
>>16679528 Please be more specific
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679581 What? Are you accusing me of making a silly thread? Like I'd waste time making a thread taking the piss at faggots who gobble every "insider leak" which gets posted on /pol/ on a hourly basis?
I don't think you understand the severity of the facts I'm alluding to, here.
>>16679588 See here
>>16679579 But if you REALLY need more information, I guess I can say this may or may not have something to do with a previous happening of relative importance.
>>16679528 Thanks, but I already knew this. On the off chance that you're referring to the other one I'll keep a lookout but I'm pretty sure that's going to be the smaller event. Buckle up faggots. It's going to get more real than the holocaust.
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>>16679590 But the holocaust isn’t real
The one piece is though
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>>16679589 Did they start up the collider again? Experimenting with past and present quantum entangled forces? Possible creation of anti-matter or less likely possible expontential mini wormhole destruction (rearrangment more accurate?) of this universe bubble
>>16679528 >Trolling outside of /b/ nigger
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
>>16679593 Trolling? Read the thread again you damn newfag, this shit could very well be huge, I mean, you decide for yourself, I've already said all I could say, and then some. The pieces of the puzzle are all there and it's your fault if you can't see it.
I came to /pol/ because it's the best source for us insiders of un-namable groups to spread such precise and alarming information.
>>16679594 Are you talking about the rapture that supposed to occur Dec 18? Vid related
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=brSLNizEz70 Anonymous
>>16679528 >be as vague as possible and appeal to raw human emotions OH MY FUCKING GOD! IT'S HAPPENING! OP IS SUCKING COCKS LIKE A MANIAC!
>>16679528 This literally means nothing you massive Belgian faggot
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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>>16679595 You seem to know what you're talking about, does pic related ring a bell, too?
Good lord it's certain they're onto me now...
>>16679596 >>16679597 I'm posting this for your own good, reading the thread may help you get out of trouble... but this is such secret information, just participating actually might put you in great danger, or could it?
Good god, time is of essence here you goddamn morons! You need to act quick if you don't want things to happen too quickly!
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>>16679596 he's spinning on a cock so fast he's going back in time... its over
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>>16679528 You just wanted excuse to post rare wojak
Guys, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but my uncle works at Nintendo and he just confirmed everything OP said. Act now before time runs out.
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>>16679529 Simeone deleted my first post saying it’s a larp
That never happened before
>>16679567 Pathetic really you should kys just for taking the time to type this up
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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>>16679604 I can't kill myself just yet, more people are coming in this thread and seeing the truth of what I'm saying, it needs to continue, I need to use whatever time I have left to perform my duty, and it's up to you /pol/acks to pick it up from here and perhaps make a general dedicated to the analysis of my posts- I can't say much more, they've been at it for some time, it's quite the grim story.
>>16679528 my dad works at Nintendo
>>16679528 Stop wasting your time on a retarded larp thread, stupid niggers
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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>>16679607 >larp Can't you see how serious and totally legit I am, though? I provided so much evidence, too!
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>>16679602 So nothing or two weeks?
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>>16679544 Shit might hit the fan. A45. We hear you loud and clear.
Keep em comming m8.
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw
Unironic CCP and Sharia Shill !AVylneEnGw Tue 13 Dec 2022 14:21:44 No. 16679611 Report >>16679528 you're my new favorite hero. I can only dream to bait people like you.
>>16679548 awwww you kissed a girl lol
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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>>16679611 What? Bait? Do you really think someone would go on the internet and tell lies?
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>>16679528 >Insider here >100+ replies Anonymous
What do I do to survive the happening?
Traverse the hyperplane of trans-causal interspace
Traverse the hyperplane of trans-causal interspace Tue 13 Dec 2022 14:28:48 No. 16679615 Report K second guess bye!
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>Literally anything can happen INTREDASTING
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>>16679606 > my dad works at Nintendo Tell him to say hi to my dad from the office next door.
> Can't you see how serious and totally legit I am, though? I provided so much evidence, too! Admit it, you're just salty and made shit up because your dad didn't take you along to the Nintendo Christmas party either.
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Rolling down in the deep is about Helene inviting Adele to subterranean torturefest (Helene is basically the CEO of the Salt Pit), Adele literally holding Helene's heart in hand because Helene cut off so much of her body that she is basically a bag of slop now, but then Adele not liking it. Then her next famous song about wishing nothing the best was Helene telling Adele that she's free to go since she didn't like the dungeon, and Helene basically wrote the rest of these songs to Adele too and made Adele sing them.
Helene went on and on to me about Adele that I can tell there is something sinister going on. If it wasn't sinister, Helene would never have had it on her mind.
https://www.liveabout.com/top-adele-songs-3243863 This stupid shit is also Helene:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaZ006Aglc8 Lady Gaga's whole schtick is stealing the GG initials of my Hebrew name Gedalia Gershon, and she steals them on behalf of Helene, the other jew.
insider_op !!a0w78MpUQ8A
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>>16679537 it is a fucking singularity AI holy FRUUKEN SHART
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>>16679528 lol, kinda vague
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>>16679528 For the first time on this board i write: take your meds
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>>16679528 IT'S HAPPENING !!!
OP is a faggot
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>>16679572 Oh it's LARP nigger.
Did you get those million year old nuclear generators back online?
I did find those mildly amusing but I still can't figure out why you bother. Everyone who's conscious already knows. The phase shift has begun.
It may feel as if the sand is being pulled from under your feet as in a strong riptide. It's only natural, there never was anything to stand on anyways.