>>16680965>>16680968For me that is a cold, dark, lonely energy.
It is the energy that all men fear: that they could die "out here." That some other strange, odd man from another place passing through that no-one knows or remembers the face of, could just quietly take you without effort in the still of the night. That the wind howling will stifle any hush-quiet "ah- !" scream that might utter out of your lungs as a finale, opera-like -- your life was a stage and you the audience, but both have suddenly been taken away forever, in here, in this cold, wet, dark, damp, windy place that only owls know; and the dead trees and breezy calls will shriek forever over your final rest, travellers like the wind itself will pass by you, over your body, until the end of time itself, not knowing that beneath them lay the sordid sad tale of a man's end; and the police and detectives will scratch their heads and your case will go cold like your body; and in time no-one will remember your name, your face, old photos discoloured with the passage of time, until eventually you too join the wind's call, a nameless name on a sea of nameless names, forgotten by the living and heard only as a cacophony which quickly as it comes is rendered static-like into background white noise.
You have been erased. And no-one knows but you and the man who took you.