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Nofap is godlike.

No.16687738 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
post all d proof nofap is godlike

im talking baout relating 2 freemasonry, ancient snakes wrapped round trees, tree of life, " your semen carries 200 times the power of a nuclear bomb " typa info.
go full out there, the more insane, mythical, ancient, divine, occultist, quantum realm, the better.
i noticed even dogs dat got a better sense of smell, come 2 me when im on nofap, start smelling my crotch, pulling deir owners 2 go 2 me etc.
if u got a horse nd u castrate him, u tame him

if u got a need 2 go out and procreate, but u empty ur balls, u just lost dat need.
take a look at d list of internet users / country nd birthrate / country.
also yes, 10 threads will be posted within 5 mins of dis being posted.