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61KiB, 662x1000, Why Are Bipolar People Such Bad People Also Rant Slash Venting.jpg
Quoted By: >>16690440
I have been Discord Freinds with this bipolar girl & her boyfriend for years (I knew them before they dated). This one day she has a freak out on call because she hates how I complain about zoning laws & therefore complains about housing affordability with her boyfriend. I & him are huge nerds when it comes to density & walkability & we like to talk about how much more affordable housing would be if we had midrises. It's an interesting topic & it's not just bellyaching. She gets really mad & tells me this "inspirational" story about how her daddy used to be an alcoholic & worked really hard & now he is a rich millionaire
And it's like good for him but I don't really care. She thinks I should be sucking her dick because of this story & become rich like her dad. I tried to explain how things are more complicated than that & she wouldn't listen she was being super dismissive. I worked hard I put in overtime for years & the prices just kept jumping & she just said I haven't worked hard enough. Anyways she's super upset & I calm her down. Even though she was attacking me while giving some BS "inspirational" story. Like we all haven't heard those before. Maybe she should go to Africa & give her little speech to them. That would cure poverty & they would all become rich!
After I calmed her down she was upset at me for not being upset which was weird. Oh & also her little freak-out was in the middle of a conversation I was having about my dad dying. It's weird I am glad he is dying but it's weird. It just made me think about life & we talked about housing & then she jumped into call. Even after I told her about my dad dying she didn't seem to care
A few days later I talked about my life & all the things that happened & capt it off with "but yeah I didn't work hard enough". I then message her & him that everything is fine & I was just in a bad mood because I didn't want the girl to freak out. But now they have both ghosted me for five days & we have been friends for years
And it's like good for him but I don't really care. She thinks I should be sucking her dick because of this story & become rich like her dad. I tried to explain how things are more complicated than that & she wouldn't listen she was being super dismissive. I worked hard I put in overtime for years & the prices just kept jumping & she just said I haven't worked hard enough. Anyways she's super upset & I calm her down. Even though she was attacking me while giving some BS "inspirational" story. Like we all haven't heard those before. Maybe she should go to Africa & give her little speech to them. That would cure poverty & they would all become rich!
After I calmed her down she was upset at me for not being upset which was weird. Oh & also her little freak-out was in the middle of a conversation I was having about my dad dying. It's weird I am glad he is dying but it's weird. It just made me think about life & we talked about housing & then she jumped into call. Even after I told her about my dad dying she didn't seem to care
A few days later I talked about my life & all the things that happened & capt it off with "but yeah I didn't work hard enough". I then message her & him that everything is fine & I was just in a bad mood because I didn't want the girl to freak out. But now they have both ghosted me for five days & we have been friends for years