Quoted By:
The NAC Protocol (Updated December, 2022)
*1200mg NAC
*Oregano Oil (min. 40mg Carvacrol)
*Black Seed Oil (1 teaspoon)
*600mg NAC
*Oregano Oil (min. 40mg Carvacrol)
*Black Seed Oil (1 teaspoon)
Continue daily for a minimum of two months and count out 3 weeks with no die off symptoms prior to moving to the next step.
Maintenance Protocol
*600mg NAC
*500mg Slo Niacin (nicotinic acid)
*100mg Pterostilbene
*Black Seed Oil (1 teaspoon)
*500mg Slo Niacin
*100mg Pterostilbene
*Black Seed Oil (1 teaspoon)
After every 3 weeks on the maintenance protocol, take 1 week off. Continue to use black seed oil during the off cycle.
Fungal die off symptoms may include :
Tiredness, exhaustion, muscle soreness, increased chest or nasal discharge, cold or flu like symptoms, cold sores, headaches, rash, acne, irritability, change in stool frequency, volume or color; increased urination, bloated stomach, cramps, increased gas.