they think they own the place, they walk around in these big groups looking for shit to steal, throw their trash all over the street
this jews shopping center is almost the size of the entire village and every single person who works there is a fucking muslim
most of these niggers can't even speak russian and are probably illegal
the only russians are neighbors who have houses here and moscow datcha niggers stopping by to shop in the summer
a few people even started renting out those prefab pig barns for the muslims to live in their back yard
my backyard had a nice empty field beyond it with a great view of the nearby town and moskva river, now it's this fucking pic related barbed wire sheet metal crap towering over my yard, which i hear trucks and muslims shouting over every day
any place in russia, no matter how big or small can be completely ruined by a jew and his horde at any moment
wost part is that nobody even gives a fuck except for me
how am i supposed to cope with my nice village that i grew up in got turned into a dirty foreign shithole along with the rest of the country