>>16781944Was Pizzagate real?
Yes, and it's why Julian Assange is still not a free man.
Most people don't remember the sequence of events. During the run up to the 2016 US election, Assange was engaged in a duel with Clinton. He was releasing drops of her emails once or twice a week. Eventually he tweeted her that if she didn't pull out of the race, he would release emails which would torpedo her chances. When she didn't pull out there came the now infamous drop of emails, all with the strange encoded language, with the FBI info sheet on how pedo's communicate and what symbols they use.
I remember this clearly. Those of us following this were awaiting this drop and it dropped on a Friday evening (US time). It was late here in the UK. So the internet started combing thru the emails for stuff and then, about 2am UK time (so about 9pm EST), the media of the entire "western world" - Anglosphere plus Europe - started running segments about "FAKE NEWS". This is where "FAKE NEWS" was born, and we saw it birthed in real time, with all networks singing from the same hymn sheet within the space of one hour.
This was so very clearly an "Oy Vey! Shut it down!" moment that demonstrated complete control of the western media that you just knew, you JUST FUCKING KNEW, that this shit had to be real (and at that point we still didn't know half the stuff in the emails, they were still being pored over)
The western world shat it's collective pants and this absolutely, positively had to be silenced, stat. And that's when you started hearing all this shit about fake news.
They can't let Assange walk. They don't know what else he might have. Thus why he still isn't a free man.