>>16795053There are too much things a small mind like yours wouldn't understand, and this is why i will get probably basedquoted but idc.
The sacrifice of Isaac to Yahweh (God) has a philosophical meaning, and it is needed to stop the useless slaughter of childrens. Back then in Canaan people used to sacrifice their firstborn to their Gods, for example to Ba'al (main God of the Phoenicians and even Carthaginians) it is written "they passed their firstborn through flames" this sacrifice was supposed to grant the believers a good harvest. This is not only in the Bible. Even Roman historians documented this type of Sacrifice that the Carthaginians practiced. Some modern historians called this "Roman war propaganda" but Archaeologists found traces of "Tophets" in various punic cities. In Sardinia, Tunis and various places where the Phoenician gods were worshiped. Tophets were burial sites for childrens, and in these tophets they found various urns and tombs of children and even animals that were burned alive.
In conclusion, the reason why Yahweh stops Abraham from sacrificing his own children to him, is to stop this brutal, barbaric and useless practice of ancient abortion. Abraham clearly abolished this practice. After abraham sacrifices to God were only of animals, and after Jesus sacrifices were fully abolished.