>>410761657>You are a contrarian midwit who is intelligent enough to challenge an idea, but not enough to put all the information together.fair point, but I've been balls deep in "conspiracy theories" since 911. I remember Flat Earth appearing on my radar screen about 12/13 years ago.
I skimmed through some vids for entertainment purposes (like I did hollow earth theory, not because I believe, just fun to think of reality in different ways).
Flat Earth has grown legs since then. Their debunking of gravity seems on point. The way I see it, should be obvious to you if you have been on the internet for a few years moonlanding is a hoax. Then there's ton's of other NASA hoxes involving "space walks" & "International Space Station" interviews.
Begs the question, why all the fakery?
Apart from that, honestly, lied to about literally everything else, why wouldn't (((they))) lie about this?
I'm keeping an open mind, if that makes me a fool, so what, already know I am so what i got to lose by being open to it.