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Just cucked the shit out of my lesbian sister

No.16813380 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do?
>My situation (M 21) fucked my lgbtq+ sister’s (F 28) girlfriend.
>Sister has been in a homosexual relationship for the last 2 years with an 8/10.
>Dyke gets all flirty with me after a night out that included all of us drinking tequila.
>Go back to our shared apartment around 1am (yes I share an apartment w/ my big sister, I gotta save some money somehow, Im a broke college student and she offered).
>Sister goes to get a shower and now its just me and little miss hot to trot on the couch together, she initiates some kissing and one thing leads to another and we start fuckin. Raw dog.
>Both she and I lose track of time and are startled by the family room lights turning on.
>Shit its my sister.
>Awkward silences ensues for about 2 min before anyone says a word.
>Sister bursts into tears and starts f-bombing both of us up and down and ends the relationship.
>Both of us follow her to the car all while sis is screaming and damn near waking up the entire complex.
>Hot pants and I go back inside, we go to bed.
>Wake up next morning with threats from my sister on iMessage (I think she really wants to kill me, I couldnt help it I havent gotten laid in over a year and the oppertunity arose).

I honestly dont feel bad, she has been a cunt to me since we were kids and I wouldnt put it past her to do the same if the situation was reversed.