You cannot be racist and be a Christian or a Muslim, no matter how much you’d like to believe otherwise. If your daughter bought home a black man who was a good Christian/Muslim and worshipped God faithfully and you told her she could not marry based on his race, you would be sinning. The ultimate red pill is that all religions are the same at the end of the day and that the black man always wins. Any nig can convert tomorrow, ask for your daughter’s hands and you must give it to him or forfeit your place in heaven. Someone will reply to me with scripture that has been modified or a wrongly translated ayah but it will not make my words untrue. There will be blacks, fatties, mudsharks etc in heaven and there is nothing you can do about it. I honestly don’t believe most American Christians, white or black, will go to heaven. Christianity is a PSYOP. Join my pagan discord.