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Did Jesus exist?

No.16837363 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the /pol/itical implications that he might have not?

>Earliest sources, Josephus and Tacitus, were born after Jesus' supposed death, used second-hand sources and spoke in detail about other divine religious and cult figures, from Demigods, to magical beasts to countless Gods. Especially Tacitus, who as a member of the Roman quindecimviral priesthood and showed a marked interest in the most detailed rituals throughout Rome and Barbaricum. If him explaining Christianity's background as told to him by Christians in a single small paragraph attests to Jesus' existence, then Hercules, Athena, all of Germania's mythos, etc. which have quadruple the paragrahs also existed. Did they?
>Curiously enough, Philo of Alexandria, which was obsessed with all fringe cults and contemporary figures including the most obscure and/or heretical ones, eg Essenes, Theraputae, etc. and that was actually alive and in Jerusalem when Jesus supposedly rode a donkey thriumphantly into the city, never once wrote about him, his followers nor all of the miracles like all tombs opening with the dead walking about.