>>16839037>>16839033>>16839041In imjin war, japan took entire Korea easily and samurai settled 7years almost night mears. And Yi sun shin is huge propaganda.
He could not protect anything but japanese landed the Korea and occupied there 7years ,and he ignored armistice and burned supply convoy ships of japan but it is not a Battle ship. For this revenge , Yi sun shin was killed by samurai immediately in the battle field.
Also biggest fake is that iron turtle ship has no actual evidence of existence.
And Korea is thinking this is national hero because of anti japan victimhoot nationalisim
And why japan ended the imjin war is just hideyoshi was dead and other samurai in japan was trying to get that positions.
It means Imjin war is not war Entire Japan VS Korea and ming but only one Hideyoshi clan VS Korea and Ming.
There is still so many other stronger Samurai war lord was in japan which did not participate the imjin war such as Tokugawa clan.
Japan at that time had huge Gun armed force which is the gun made in japan already,and Korea and Ming china did not have real gun. So they could not beat even only one single samurai clan of Hideyoshi