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ID:AaPmOde+ No.16848709 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is impossible for us to form a true idea of the pains of hunger, since we have never felt them.
If for a whole day one has nothing to eat, the time feels very long and one wants some food very much. And if one were to be deprived of any nourishment for two or three days, what misery would it be. But if a man had nothing whatever to eat for a whole week, and were left a prey to hunger, what would become of him?
Besides hunger the damned suffer the most burning thirst, which is beyond the power of words to describe. Everyone knows how terrible are the suffering caused by thirst. They are simply unbearable. Those who are plagued by thirst will drink from the most impure sources. And if nothing at all can be obtained to quench their thirst, a lingering an painful death is the result.
The thirst suffered by the lost souls is infinitely greater, more intense, more painful than any thirst experienced on earth. If mortal man could feel it even for a brief period, he would faint away and die immediately. There is never any rest for the damned, they are driven from one torment to the other unceasingly. This occasions thirst.
But the heat of hellfire, wherein they burn day and night forever and ever, is the principal cause of this intolerable thirst that consumes them. They are immersed in flames and never do they obtain the refreshment of water. How great their thirst must be.
Listen to the appeal of a lost soul, earnestly imploring a single drop of water: “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip his finger in water to cool my tongue. For I am tormented in this flame. Most merciful God I ask only for water. I crave only one drop of water to give momentary relief to my burning tongue. Thou will not refuse so moderate a request? Thou who art praised by all creatures as goodness itself?” But this supplication is in vain. God turns a deaf ear to the voice of their inquery. Not a single drop of water is given to mitigate their sufferings.