If you die outside of Christ, you will be cut off from God for all eternity. What exactly that means is unclear. Weeping and gnashing of teeth? Eternal fire? Eventual non-existence? But you will be in like-minded company, of people who blamed the world for their problems, and even given the prospect of eternity, will do nothing to improve themselves or the eternal future to make it less of a hell.
If you die in Christ, you will, for a time, tarry in heaven as a spiritual being. Then, when all time is fulfilled, you will be reuinited with your body and sent to the new Earth, where the denizens (including you) will always act in a good manner, improving themselves and those around them, and this will be the case down to the cellular level (if indeed the new Earth operates with any similar biology and chemistry), with every cell performing its tasks perfectly at all times, never mistranscribing a single codon.
You will become so good at everything you attmept that to the broken human you were before it will seem that you merely speak and the world bends itself to your will, which has become perfectly aligned with the divine. Theough all this you will retain your individual identity. For as today there is no sin to prefer a particular car brand, ice cream flavor, or novel, you will still be you. You will simply lack the self-destructive sinful desires that now posess you.