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Being a manlet must be terrible. Having short stature is a key way to becoming an incel in today's society, but it doesn't have to be that way. We as a society need to promote transgenderism amongst young short men. Short men are often decent looking, and make for great candidates for HRT and reassignment surgery. To all you shortcels out there: Women will not like you no matter what, as women greatly prefer taller guys, but if you transition, you can become a beautiful woman. You were born with the height of a woman, so why not simply become one? The grievances of short men can be solved via a contrived effort to get them to transition, and on top of that, it will increase the pool of women in society to choose from for the men who weren't cursed with feminine incel genetics. It is important that we promote this behavior amongst shortcels while they are sill young (late teens and 20's), so that they can undergo the therapies they need before they start to grow ugly and are untransitionable goblins. >inb4 "gO BAcK tO r9K!!!1". Heightism, much like sexism, racism, and other isms, is inherently political in nature. I'm here to offer solutions which I believe we should all be backing.
Or they could just try to hookup with girls from other countries? Western countries have taller people on average but other countries have shorter people.> be western manlet > 5' 1" > go to the gym, improve your looks to the best of your ability, become masculine > still no western bitches > look for asian girls to date (or better yet, move to an asian country) > 5' 1" manlet doesnt have to compete with 6 feet males
>>16892976 Sure, but transitioning is cheaper, and often even covered by the government in European countries.
>>16892973 go shit on your paedo balls groomer.
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>>16892974 >hi! i’m a newfag dipshit that thinks the thread id is my user id. where’s the like button? Anonymous
>>16892978 What's wrong with pushing to improve the lives of young manlet men who'd otherwise be doomed to dying alone? They were born with a female height, so why not go all the way and transition?
i'll just leave this here
>>16892981 These are all ex-manlets who have transitioned, btw.
>>16892977 The problem with creating a bunch of faggots is that it degrades traditional family structures. Just because it is cheaper does not mean we should resort to this. Men who make more money are more attractive to women anyway. Manlets need to compensate their short height with other attributes that they can control.
>>16892983 The traditional family unit is dead. Women would prefer to share a strong chad amongst other women than stoop to marrying a manlet. Polygamy is the future.
>>16892980 this isn’t a discussion paedo.
>>16892985 I'm not talking about underaged, I'm specifically talking about 18-25 year old men. Hence why I said, "young men", and not "young boys".
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Incel to tranny pipeline strikes again. I often wonder if it really worked on anyone. It's crazy enough that I don't believe reverse trolls are behind it, even. Throws the "born this way" argument it the window and really fucks with the LGBT which is funny I guess. Probably the whole world is going to have to confront the sex demons soon, and the waning of permissive degenerate whites will mean a LOT of book burnings and roof tossings in 30ish years. Nigger Nazis lmfao, oh man.
>>16892984 The traditional family unit is the META. no other family structure throughout history has been proven to be better for raising the next generation. Even if the traditional family unit falls out of fashion, the problems caused by alternative family structures such as polygamy will cause major problems in society (crime, poverty, lack of mental health) which will make societies revert back to the family unit. Besides only notable countries where traditional family units have been eroding are western countries, and girls from other countries still believe in traditional family structures.
>>16892984 I also think you have been watching too much porn if you think polygamy is the future
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>>16892986 Bullshit paedo.
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>>16892973 Why is this retard and his thread is on /pol/?
WHY are you on Politically Incorrect sub, moron?
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>>16892973 Look, I'd like to be taller than 5'7, but I'd rather die than be a tranny.
>>16892988 That may be the case, but data shows that the number of incels are rising, which indicates that polygamy is the new trend (because where else would the women go?). So, yes, the traditional family unit might be the META, but these incels will never have a traditional family to look forward to unless they transition and become fulfill the female roll in said unit.
>>16892993 Yeah but the number of young women actually having sex is low. While support for polygamy is rising, most people still aren't in polygamous relationships.
>>16892994 It actually isn't. Data shows that young women are having significantly more sex than young men. There are far more male virgins than female virgins.
>>16892993 People are becoming single, not going into polygamy. Polygamy is punishable by law unless you live in some arab country. The reason why women are becoming single is that they are pursuing careers which makes them independent and they less incentives to actually marry a man, they can just fuck a guy here and there and be single.
>>16892973 >b00t >Doesn't care for politics >image related Anonymous
>>16892996 When I say polygamy, I don't mean it in the sense of marriage, I mean that the top 10% of men are casually fucking a much higher percentage of women. Functionally, that's polygamy, and soon, legal polygamy will become a thing just like legal gay marriage.
>>16892973 I'm all for forcing manlets into HRT. I really do think it would be beneficial to society as a whole. Like I mean it completely and unironically. But what about the obesity epidemic? its a by far getting problem than the manlet scourge
>>16892995 No, no they are not. Stop watching redpill content, those losers don't know what they're talking about. In 2021 more women had not had sex in the last year than men.
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>>16892973 oh look the groomer thread is back
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>>16892973 another case of a depressed male not working on their life at all then going trans and suddenly caring about themselves
these niggers don't even try to me a male before ruining their lives
remind that trannies will not survive the collapse
>>16892998 weird request but okay
>>16893000 Obese will end up losing weight to compete for women by the nature of the system which is to come.
>>16893001 sauce?
>>16892997 What kind of flag is that?
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>>16893005 >Obese will end up losing weight to compete for women Man I don't got a reaction face for something this delusional Fuckers wouldn't even do it for coupons to mcd's for a week
>>16892989 It's hust happening honestly. Am a fairly chad type of guy and the women just want to be with a strong man. It's easier and better to support the alpha than deal with some beta.
>>16893009 You are with multiple women? At the same time?
Do they know about each other or are you just cheating?
>>16892999 Legal polygamy will never be a thing in a country that wants to be functional in the long run.
>>16893010 People said the same about gay marriage.
>>16893010 >Legal polygamy will never be a thing in a country that wants to be functional in the long run. Keep telling yourself this buddy its the manlets and betas keeping it illegal
>>16892977 >cheaper you forgot about the never-ending, extreme psychological costs of gender dysphoria
there is a reason why so many of them kill themselves
>>16893013 That's because of the abuse they take from trolls. Perhaps if trans hate was more outlawed, it wouldn't be an issue.
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>>16893013 >psychological think you mean tax payer. Troons will just getting surgery and surgery if they can get the funds to transform into some barbie doll abomination against nature
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>>16893014 you forgot to mention that gender dysphoria is fundamentally extremely distressing retard, no matter how many SSRIsisters on twitter tell you you're a chick there is a penis between your legs. and then when you remove it you are even worse off because now you are muted sexually. great job
>>16893014 I wish you a short and unhappy life.
>>16893017 That's not very nice.
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>>16893018 Nor are troons. If you just kept yourselves to yourselves we could all just ignore you like catshit in the litter tray, but you impose yourselves everywhere, bully people who just want to enjoy their shit in peace, and groom vulnerable kids.
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>>16893014 do a flip faggot
>>16893011 >>16893012 Countries that legalize polygamy will suffer. Generation after generation will become worse and lead the countries into ruin. The traditional family unit didn't evolve just because it kept individuals happy but also because it was beneficial for the future of a nation.
>>16893022 anon we have genetic editing at our fingertips the traditional family is dead as it should be.
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>>16893004 A very feminine nose
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>>16893022 You can still keep the traditional family structure with a trad trans wife though. It will probably just be the bio-women being hogged up in polygamous relationships.
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>>16893024 Genetics isn't everything, proper parenting is also necessary. But the development of artificial intelligence will probably render traditional family structures obsolete. An artificial robot, made exactly to look like a human parent, with godly intelligence, will be infinitely better than a human parent at raising a child. But by then the incel problem will be long gone, with artificial sexual partners and all.