>>16905128Played "Mad Max" long ago (near it's release), it was decent for a single playthrough, but would not replay.
I'm getting into the "Long Dark" and it sucks, not because it is hard, but because it is boring, just wait forever, and learning curve is like 10 minute for mechanics, than half a day waiting for stuff. Time passes too quick, you get cold too quick, you get hungry and thristy too quick, food does not give enough refill, you don't die, but it just a constant chore, and waiting to heat up and cook stuff. After a few hours in survivor, I started the storyline instead, because I already know I'm not going to just wait forever purposelessly, so at least I'd get through the story, but it kind of sucks. E.g. give supplies to the blind old woman, firewood is easy, but can't find enough food for her, as in the amount of energy to catch a rabbit is about the same as eating it, and cannot catch two in a row before having to get back to warmth, even looted the gas station, but that wasn't enough (and kind of shitty storywise). How do I take out a deer at that point? Fucking wolves are also lame, I seem to make a direct hit on them with the flare gun, but no damage, just bounces off them, and my axe can't be flung around to chop them up either. Also it's retarded, wood should be practically infinate, you should be able to just chop up the empty houses in real life, but can't in game, and unpassable locked wooden doors, when your character have an axe is also video game thrope bullshit. Also maybe it is part of the backstory, but gravity sucks, fall damage too easy, and can't jump either, can't even bunny hop in a walking game...