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728KiB, 561x560, Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 15-04-00 Stable Diffusion Online.png
Quoted By: >>16914585 >>16915312
Humanity is clearing out darkness at this time so expect it to be illuminated. This will make it seem like things are getting worse but it is merely that there is more attention on this energy, including bringing to the surface the darkness that has remained hidden for millenia.
We are currently in a period of significant change and evolution as a species. This process can be chaotic and may lead to feelings of heightened anxiety. However, it is important to focus on expanding our consciousness and understanding during this time in order to navigate the challenges and ultimately move towards a brighter future. By 2070, it is believed that humanity will have entered a new era of light.
We are currently in a period of significant change and evolution as a species. This process can be chaotic and may lead to feelings of heightened anxiety. However, it is important to focus on expanding our consciousness and understanding during this time in order to navigate the challenges and ultimately move towards a brighter future. By 2070, it is believed that humanity will have entered a new era of light.