correck't on all accounts
signal to noise
turn up the heat and drown out any actual factual info
if its too spicy nuke it and prune it
the board is comped and controlled by the Long Arm of the Left, the jannies are not one of us like we are expected to believe they are slam packed with glows meant to try to keep us passified on our board like we have our own little place, but its secretly a honey pot datamining place.
Yes they run psyops constantly
Yes they leak intel here and watch where it goes and how it moves thru the innanet, some of its schitzo BS and some of its real data.
This place is honeypot #1
Everywhere else is so controlled the users have no idea they are running in circles.
Le'Reddit is on a leash like a dog
Twatter is so full of bots pushing narratives, the NPCs cant tell whats real and what isnt
InstaGlam pushes pictures of degeneracy, stuff to make you cheat on your significant other, or something to keep you occupied and unproductive
Fakebook is simply glamor shots over and over and fairy tales to make each other jealous and keep everyone mad at each other
ALL of them are datamining sites
Shit that TickyTock is datamining #1 it takes the cake
The Kikes in Kontrol found out China was using it for datamining, using geosat locates in the videos to overlay on a 3d map they were creating. Using Ai to scrub the videos background they are using the metadata and elevation to map out buildings, rooms, hallways, stairs, whole floors from the background of peoples videos. They are using it to map out whole buildings, find sensitive data on computer screens ect.
The US found this out and initially went
>SHUT IT DOWNand then figured out how smart it was and co-opted it and are doing it too.
>Little girl dancing in mom and dads room, gun safe in the background of bedroom on second floor>PING>CAPTUREDbelieve me, they are always watching.