>>16943676WEll, as for millenials. I'll give you some insight coming from one of the most ancient of millenials.
We were sold a bill of good the entire way through grade school that truth, justice and the american way meant working hard, not seeing skin color, and trying to be better people than our parents were taught to be.
Of course it was all a fucking lie. A cheap coat of paint to draw out our dreams and feed them to the machine. There is no American dream. You can get lucky, you can work and grind to the bone and somewhat make it but you're not going to have the communities the way the last generation did to help prop you up.
Everything was about doing well in school enough to get a scholarship so as to not have to burden your already fuckign overworked parent (so many single mothers.)
As time marched on you got to see friends go to college and succeed, but those friends typically came from families that were already further well off enough to at least afford a fucking divorce. You got to see a lot more friends waste their lives in some manner or other whether that be through college debt or just the rush of easy access opiates and amphetemines. Other friends you got to see get shipped off to Iraq and never come back the same.
You got to believe in hope and change if you weren't as cynical back then but then, who wasn't? Realizing it was all a shit show and that shovel ready jobs were never coming you tried to change up your skill sets only to always be behind the eightball when it came time to find work. Thank you h1 and h2b. Thank you corporate america squeezing more blood out of the corpse of America. Thank you democrats for bringing in so much illegal labor that finding a job doing labor for a decent wage was impossible. Thank you republicunts for closing the gates on white collar labor by importing every fucking indian off the sub continent they could get their greedy little hands on.