>>16946613Hank is always right about everything. The kikes do this a lot: they make a character say things that are true, but they also make him goofy and stupid looking so that you associate the things he says with goofiness. The Boondocks is also a good example of this. Uncle Ruckus was the most intelligent character on the show because he was the only nigger, possibly in human history, who understood his purpose in life: to serve the vastly and obviously superior white man. But they made him into an old, fat, slobbering, one eyed nigger, and furthermore, they made the actual stupid nigger who says stupid nigger shit (Huey) into a cool, talented, good looking young man.
When you ignore the kike imagery and just look at the things they say, it's obvious that Huey was the stupidest nigger on the show. His entire philosophy relies entirely on the assumption that the CIA is keeping niggers down for some fucking reason. And that's fucking stupid. If you go to Africa, there's no CIA, no FBI, no nothing, and it's the biggest fucking shithole you'll ever even see for as long as the solar system exists in the universe.
Stop listening to kikes or niggers and start studying Hitler, it's the only way you'll ever be happy in life. The truth will set you free.