>>16958457Simple, free will is about making choices, choices lead in different directions, branching off into different possible outcomes, this produces an infinitely exponential number of different outcomes and different futures. think of it like a tree, with a shitload of branches.
Your life starts at the bottom, where the roots from past choices of other's trees combine to form your beginning, however, your perception is confined to your own path, your own branch, with foresight you can predict what may come of one choice or another, but cannot know for sure, as your perceptions remains confined to the choice you make, the branch you take.
The all knowing god you speak of, is simply someone who can see the whole tree, yours, and everyone elses, all at once, from beginning to end, every choice, every possibility, every outcome, simultaneously.
But herein lies a problem, the ability to see it all at the same time, requires a different perspective, one that's more distant, more all encompassing, imagine if you took a book, and put every single page of it on a wall, then stepped back until your field of vision was filled up by it and nothing else, now imagine every choice potentially creates a new book, and how far back you would have to step, to see every page of every book at the same time.
If this is the case, then not only does god know my future before I've lived it, he knows every future I can ever live, and every future of every other person alive, dead, and yet to be born.
This however doesn't mean free will doesn't exist, merely that an all knowing god wouldn't have the frame of reference to interfere with a choice or guide you along a path in the first place.
The perspective from which we live life is what gives us free will, where an all knowing god sees it all, at the same time, we see our branch, and the directions it leads in, we perceive the choice, and we then choose to make it, this is what it means to have free will.