>>17008795What if I dont have flexible hours like a 4chud janner and have to get on time to my cage so I can afford to expand my chunkpop collection.
>>17008802>RolexYeah it built the industry to what it is today, but youre essentially a goyim for buying heavily marketed product. There is no "in the-know" with Rolex rendering it women only product. Same with Gucci, youre paying $1k for a logo on a $5 shirt. The reality is, its mostly people who can't afford it who buy it to seem rich, if you buy it to flex on dem tiktok h8rz, youre a cheap showoff. Though batman and hulk is a bang, my hulk will arrive in 14 days, will make sure to post it here.
>>17008817Show wrist, coping larper.
>>17008819/r/im14andthisisdeep moment